Pilot Sam Langford, 29, and his passenger Tim Jones, 61, died on December 29 when the single-engine Cessna plunged nose-first into waters off the Tasman Peninsula last year
. During a series of low-level fly-pasts,

Mr Jones had been photographing racing yachts as they made their final approach to Hobart. Within a month the Australian Transport Safety Bureau released an interim report ruling out mechanical failure as the cause of the crash. But by October, investigations had stalled. "Completion of this investigation has been delayed due to workload and competing priorities," the ATSB said. A draft of the report is due to be circulated to involved parties by January for feedback. "Any comments ... will be considered for inclusion in the final report, which is expected to be issued to the public no later than March 2016." When recovered from 90m-deep water eight days after the crash, the remains of both Hobart men were found still in the cockpit. The Cessna had suffered serious front-end damage consistent with the account of witnesses on a nearby yacht who told investigators that shortly after commencing a turn, the plane's nose dropped sharply and the aircraft descended rapidly. "Damage to the aircraft structure confirmed that it impacted the water in a steep, nose-down attitude," the ATSB interim report noted.