Interrelationship among Health, Population and Environment Education

Health, population and environment are integrated terms. They are interrelated in many respects. Health of an individual is directly associated with the massive environmental degradation. That’s why the ground of all these subjects is common. An attempt to study any of these subjects in isolation is to miss many things and make the study lame. Due to their association with each other, these three subjects should be studied in an integrated manner.

Family Health

Needs and importance of family health Almost all of the people in the world live in their family. They eat, drink, dress up, entertain, exercise, and rest at home with their family members. All the factors affecting and determining the status of health are maintained within the families.


Diseases Introduction The term ‘diseases’ is made up of a prefix ‘dis’ and a root word ‘ease’. ‘Dis’ stands for ‘no’ and ‘ease’ means ‘comfort or easiness’. Therefore, the meaning of diseases is not to have easiness in the body. Disease is the condition having discomfort or improper function of some of our body parts. There are various minor and major diseases occurring in our body.

Community Health

Community health problems Community health is a common issue of all the members living in a society. It can be improved if the community members become conscious about these matters. Community health can be improved by the participation of community members in community health programs and their positive attitude towards the community health issue. Some of the major community health problems existing in Nepal are illiteracy, poverty, malnutrition, environmental pollution, use of tobacco and drugs, alcoholism, prevalence of communicable diseases, superstition, rapid population growth and lack of health services. The major problems are introduced below.

India: Educational icon of the continent

Geographically we, Nepalese are connected with India, one of the big emerging powers in the world. Besides geography, the social-political culture, economic, psychological and emotional connections are stronger and invincible. India is growing rapidly in different aspects boosting them up.

Personal Health

Personal health is one of the most important aspects of human health. The status of our health is determined and influenced by our personal health behaviors like caring body organs, maintenance of personal hygienic, having balanced and nutritious diet, performing regular excise and taking adequate rest.


Environment is one of the most important factors determining and influencing our health. Innumerable living and nonliving environmental components around us affect our health positively or adversely based upon their nature and characteristics. For example, oxygen gas present in the air keeps us alive but the poisonous gases and dust particles present in the air causes diseases. Similarly, we can't survive without water but there are many waterborne diseases caused just due to polluted water.


Nutrition is the process of taking nutritional components in a balance way. The nutritional components or nutrients are the complex molecules needed for our body to perform various tasks and function of our body. We can obtain the nutrients from our food. We consume varieties of foods to satisfy our hunger and to get the desired tastes. But the biological purpose of eating food is to provide nutrients needed for our body.