Nutrition is the process of taking nutritional components in a balance way. The nutritional components or nutrients are the complex molecules needed for our body to perform various tasks and function of our body. We can obtain the nutrients from our food. We consume varieties of foods to satisfy our hunger and to get the desired tastes. But the biological purpose of eating food is to provide nutrients needed for our body.
The nutrients of our body can be categorized in to six major groups. They are Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals and Water. Carbohydrates and Eats Carbohydrates and fats are energy-giving nutrients.
They produce required needed for our body to perform various functions and activities. Our body prefers carbohydrate to use in energy production. If there is no adequate carbohydrate in our body, the body utilizes fat. One gram of carbohydrate produces about four calories of energy whereas equal amount of fact produces nine calories of energy. But the fats are the stored unutilized if there is adequate carbohydrates. If there is excessive Intake of fat, it is accumulated in our body and makes us obese and lazy. Our liver has to produce more bile to digest more amount of fat. This may harm liver. Therefore, we should take limited amount of fats. Major sources of fats are ghee, oil, cheese, etc. Carbohydrates can be obtained be from cereals, milk, fruit and sugar. Excessive carbohydrates taken by the body are converted into fat and deposited beneath the skin, around the intestines, and with the muscles. This condition may result in obesity and diabetes. Inadequate intake of carbohydrates causes marasmus in children. There is lake of energy, tiredness and appearance of thin body if carbohydrates intake is less in our body. Proteins Proteins are responsible for growth, development and repair of body. Proteins help children in gaining height and weight rapidly. When any part of our body injured, the protein help repairing these parts. We can get proteins from animal products like milk, egg, meat, fish etc. similarly, plants like beans and lentils are highly rich in proteins. There must be at least one source of protein in our everyday food. Vegetarians can receive required amount of protein taking protein-rich plant products. Non-vegetarians can include meat, fish, egg etc their meal for the supply of necessary proteins. Excessive proteins intake may cause difficulty in digestion. Besides, there is excessive production of harmful substances like urea, uric acid and cretinine in our body. Insufficient intake of proteins may result in malnutrition. Therefore we must include protein in balanced amount in our food. Children suffer from 'kwashiorkor' if they take insufficient protein. Lack of protein in our body is characterized by over accumulation of watery fluid in the body, protruding stomach, unhealed wounds, tiredness,and physical retardation of our body. Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins and minerals are the nutrients needed for protection of our body from different nutrition- deficiency diseases. They are very important to increase immunity power of our body. They are not needed in large amount but their supply must be regularly in small amount for the protection from various diseases.